☰ From the Writers' Corner: Form 3's Fables

From the Writers' Corner: Form 3's Fables

Posted on: May 17th 2012

Form 3 have been reading Aesop's fables and thinking about how the plots, characters and morals fit into certain themes such as 'brains over brawn' or 'wise over foolish'.

They then planned and wrote their very own fables, using Aesop's stories as inspiration.

Read some of Form 3’s fables below.

The Fox and the Vixen

By EdenOne scorching hot Thursday a depressed fox mournfully lumbered though a grassy field. “Oh,” he wept, “if only I had a pretty wife. I’m getting older and soon nobody will want me to be their husband, boo hoo hoo.” Just as he was about to go home he suddenly spotted two vixen. “Wow,” he thought, as he gazed lovingly as the first vixen, “that vixen is very pretty, I wish I could marry her!”He completely ignored the other vixen because she was quite plain, but what the fox didn’t know was that the pretty fox was vindictive and mean whereas the plain vixen was kind and loving. So he smoothed his hair, sauntered up to the vixen and remarked in his sweetest manner, “My, my, how I would love to marry a pretty fox like you. Now, what do you want? A diamond ring perhaps?” he asked rhetorically.

“Hmmmm, how about a diamond ring and a diamond necklace, then I would marry you,” replied the stunning vixen. The fox was just about to say no when he remembered why he was doing this. So he went to the shops and bought a stunning diamond ring and necklace. When he came back to the vixen they were married. But the fox soon regretted their marriage because she was so vain and horrible.

The moral is: Don’t judge someone from the outside, judge them from the inside.

The Fish and the Crab

By FrankFar down beneath the vile waves a fish and a crab lived in an underwater city, in a huddled house where it was very rocky. The crab scuttled across the sandy path and bumped into a slimy fish.

“Sorry,” apologised the crab.

“That’s alright. How about we go for a lengthy walk?” On the way crab thought he had got so strong and boasted, ”I bet I could break a house.” So he went over to a house and started whacking it with all his might, but he didn’t notice a colossal rock that was loose. Suddenly, it creaked and then tumbled down and hit the crab right on the claw.

“OW!” cried the crab, “I think I broke my claw!” “I’ll help you to our house,” said the fish, kindly. So he carefully picked up the crab and swam home.

Moral: So remember, never try to prove your strength, it might end badly.

The Ill Crocodile

By MariaOne fresh sunny morning in a jungle, a selfish crocodile woke up feeling ill. His back was as green as grass and his teeth were as sharp as razors. He was resting in a river. Close by, a fluffy brown squirrel was hungry and looking for nuts. She was fast and very intelligent. Suddenly, the squirrel tripped over the crocodile and asked, “Are you OK? Do you need help? You seem very ill.” The crocodile replied, “You didn’t hurt me! And you can’t make me better! You’re too small and just a squirrel!” “Yes I can!” Answered the Squirrel.

Quick as a flash, the ill crocodile started coughing so badly that he couldn’t breathe! He needed a lot of help. His face went bright red, then purple and the crocodile screamed from the pain. He even started jumping up and down in agony.

The squirrel heard him coughing and she ran as fast as lightening to him. She got a bottle from her pocket and gave the ill crocodile some water to drink. The water made the crocodile so much better! “I told you that I could help you!” Said the squirrel. “Sorry next time I will believe you!” Replied the crocodile. “Let’s be friends.” They stayed good friends forever!

Moral: Don’t judge people by how they look. 

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