☰ Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

Following the school’s last inspection, inspectors commented that “Pupils’ personal development is excellent, in accordance with the school’s aim to develop empathy, tolerance, respect and consideration… Arrangements for the safeguarding, welfare, health and safety of pupils are outstanding.”

The school provides a happy and nurturing environment in which it values all the pupils and encourages both respect between pupils and staff and respect between pupils themselves.

Staff promote pupils’ self confidence through support, praise and encouragement. Academic and non-academic achievements are recognised and celebrated.

We promote empathy and respect among our pupils. We also discuss the importance of helping others and understanding our responsibilities to others less fortunate.

Standards of behaviour and discipline our exceptional and pupils are polite and respectful to each other, staff and visitors.

Initiatives which actively promote children’s development of tolerance and empathy are weaved into the fabric and curriculum of Norfolk House. Our successful BRICKS initiative which actively promotes and encourages courteous and considerate behaviour both in and outside the classroom is well supported by staff and pupils alike, and our Positive Playground Committee enjoy finding ways to make playtimes as stimulating and happy as possible.

Making Friends:

We want our pupils’ experience of school to be a happy and fulfilling one where they develop secure friendships at school and beyond the school gates. It is important for children to be popular at school and feel included in and out of the classroom.

We encourage our pupils to be generous and kind with each and to understand the importance of consideration and compromise. We have a buddy system for new pupils to the school and for children joining in Reception they are allocated a Form 5 or 6 pupil to help assimilate them into school life.

Social Development:

Following the school’s recent inspection, inspectors concluded that: “Pupils’ social awareness is excellent. They relate well with, and show a keen sense of responsibility towards one another; senior pupils enjoy accepting responsibility for looking after younger children and setting an example to them.”

They concluded that, “Personal development is excellent, in accordance with the school’s aim to develop empathy, tolerance, respect and consideration… They welcome and respect each other’s beliefs.”

We provide a wide curriculum at school which enables pupils to develop breadth to their thinking and understanding. We also provide many opportunities for our pupils to engage with the community and to help others less fortunate; our senior pupils are currently involved in community projects, such as volunteering at the local Soup Kitchen and working with children at Ambitious About Autism. We want our pupils to leave Norfolk House confident, articulate and well-rounded and with a strong sense of empathy.

Speaking and Listening:

Visitors comment frequently on the confidence and clarity with which our pupils express themselves. This is developed right through our curriculum and we build in opportunities for our pupils to work collaboratively in lessons.

We encourage children to speak confidently in group situations. We also encourage our pupils to listen to others and carefully consider their views, even if they disagree.

At school we provide many opportunities for pupils to express their views in small and large group settings, such as assemblies, debating clubs and class discussions.

Behaviour Policy:

Our behaviour policy is clear and well-structured, and supports our pupils in ensuring this development. Whilst there is a clear line for sanctions, it is focused on positive reinforcement and recognition for good behaviour. The children enjoy ‘Tea with the Head’ and are able to earn ‘BRICKS’ for polite and sociable behaviour, with the winners having lunch with the Head. There is an emphasis on pupils taking responsibility for their own actions and discussions with pupils focus around this.

E-Safety: Parenting in The Digital Age

As part of Our Caring School event in March 2015, we ran a presentation for parents highlighting the importance of safe use of the internet at home as well as school. The presentation has a bank of useful tips as well as video content and interactive questions for parents about how their children interact online. It can be downloaded as a powerpoint by clicking here.

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