You are here: Home » Admissions » Request a Prospectus
To request a prospectus pack, simply complete our form and a pack will be delivered to your address. Following completion of the form, you will also be able to view an online version of our prospectus.
Please specify which year group you are enquiring about *
Full Name *
Email *
Your Home Tel *
Your Mobile Tel
Address *
Would you like to receive a prospectus in the post? * -- Please Select --Yes, post it to the above addressNo, online version is fine
Your Relationship to the Pupil *
Pupil Forename *
Pupil Surname *
Proposed Year of Entry (eg. 2021) *
Form year (e.g. Reception) *
Proposed Term of Entry * -- Please Select --AutumnSpringSummer
Pupil's Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) *
Pupil's Gender * -- Please Select --MaleFemale
How did you hear about us? * -- Please Select --Word of mouthLocal pressLeaflet/flyerState school recommendedOther private school recom'dOther nursery recommendedSchool's nursery/kindergartenSearch engineOnline school listings/directoriesBannersSchool minibusLive locallyAdvertLocal businessSibling at schoolAgentFacebookOther
The information you are about to submit will be used to effectively handle your enquiry in accordance with the School's admissions process. This may include email, phone and postal correspondence. We promise to treat your personal details with the utmost care and will never share or sell your data to third parties. You can read our Privacy Policy, here.
I am happy for my data to be processed. *
I would like to receive occasional high quality, relevant and timely emails providing details of upcoming events and insight into school life. After opting in, you can withdraw your consent at any time. To do so, please contact the School Office. Alternatively, the emails will provide an unsubscribe option.