☰ Curriculum


Our curriculum is designed to provide innovative ways of engaging our pupils in their learning and ensuring that they leave us with a confidence and belief in what they can achieve. Whilst we take account of National Curriculum and have been sympathetic to the 2014 national updates, we make sure we have a curriculum that is tailored to our context and the needs of our pupils.

We want our pupils to be excited about lessons and fully engaged in all of school life. We strive to offer personalisation to our learning programmes; our pupils are involved in their own learning and our older children conference regularly with their teachers to set realistic learning targets. Self and peer evaluation of work are both well embedded in our curriculum and our pupils are always aware of what they need to do to achieve next steps, and are well supported in this.

We further enhance our curriculum to include Philosophy for Children and in Form 3 we are introducing English Speaking Board examination to ensure that our pupils are prepared for their Senior Prep, learning to speak with confidence and to hold an opinion during debate.

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