☰ A great start to the year

A great start to the year

Posted on: September 23rd 2011

Welcome to my first blog of the year. I just thought I would write a small editorial to let parents know how the start of term has been and how the children have settled back into the Autumn term. Our Reception pupils seem to have hit the ground running, and are finding their feet more and more each day! On the occasions that I’ve been in the classroom this past couple of weeks, they have been confident and enjoying their learning, and in the playground, on the whole have been interacting well. A few tears and tired faces are to be expected at this stage of the term! It was wonderful to see so many new parents at our Reception Meet and Greet and social; Ms Burke and Miss Joyce gave a thorough presentation which welcomed parents into the routines and life at Norfolk House and I had the chance to spend some time with parents and get to know them.

We’ve already had two class assemblies in Key Stage Two, and I’ve enjoyed story assemblies with KS1 and Reception each week. The school is its usual vibrant buzz, and everyone is fully engaged in their lessons as I’ve been popping round. I’ve also thoroughly enjoyed the lessons that I’ve taught with our Form 6, who are currently beginning preparations for their Senior School exams. Our ‘BRICKS’ initiative is proving a positive success; we’ve almost built our first ‘Norfolk House’! The children have responded extremely well and are making an extra effort to show courtesy and respect to each other. The Form 4 pupils have put up a display in the cloakroom, reminding others about the kind of behaviour that we are promoting. Have a look if you get chance!

As for me, well, all I can say is that my first few weeks as Head have been super! The children have been a delight and  I have been absolutely thrilled with the support and response that I’ve had from parents and staff.

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