Posted on: January 31st 2014
Developing a Growth Mindset was the topic of a leadership day on Tuesday, when we brought in one of our governors, Jerry Goddard, to work with our senior leadership team. Jerry, an experienced Ofsted inspector and a really inspirational speaker, worked closely with us to see where we are now in ensuring our pupils make the best growth in their learning and where we can still go further to improve it. He was very impressed with our pupils’ ability and how we work with them on developing learning, but the point for me, I guess is, you never stop learning - or learning about learning.
I think it is vitally important, no matter how healthy a school is, to ensure it can push itself to be ‘healthier’ – and actually, when it is in a healthy place, this is the best time, because the health check can be focussed, the diagnosis made be critically accurate and the medicine prescribed specifically for that purpose. I’m looking forward in the next year to putting our actions into place within the school and ensuring that we fine-tune what we’re doing even more! School improvement and strategic planning and development is what makes being a school leader so exciting – in making sure it is the best experience it can be for our pupils each and every day.
On another school note of being excited about things moving forward, I was very pleased with the attendance and overwhelmingly positive reception when we held our Princess Avenue event last night to discuss in more detail our plans for when Reception start on the existing Montessori House site in September. Thank you to all parents who attended and for the positive and encouraging comments that came out during discussions. I know that it was a great opportunity for parents to walk around and get a sense of where their child would be in September and to discuss some of the plans surrounding this. I look forward to hearing any suggestions following our next newsletter in February.