☰ Fantastic Events at Norfolk House!

Fantastic Events at Norfolk House!

Posted on: March 13th 2015

As I write, it’s the end of the Parent/Pupil ‘Our Caring School’ Event. As the newsletter is going out later than normal, we are planning to put all the details of this event into the next newsletter, but it would be a shame to let it pass without saying what a fabulous event it was and giving a little bit of detail. The premise of the event was all of the initiatives and work that the children have been working on since September around pastoral care and development, such as Growth Mindset, E-Safety, Anti-Bullying, Diversity and family, homelessness, British law and democracy as part of our British values amongst other things. The event, as always, was very well attended by both our Prep and Nursery parents and a fitting tribute to our supportive school community. We also had a visit from staff from one of our sister schools - Adam Atkinson and Rob Grosse who did talks for parents on Parenting in the Digital Age. We will be uploading the presentation for those parents who missed it, as it was a very useful insight that supports the work we do in school on E-safety.

There were a plethora of excellent videos on show of pupils’ learning across the key stages (which we hope to upload to the website) and a live debate from Form 6. We also smashed our 100m challenge to raise money in the playground by laying coins end to end and FoNH provided refreshments with all funds raised going to our School Council’s chosen charity Ambitious About Autism. It was a really fun event and again the feedback from parents was overwhelmingly positive! I’d like to thank all the staff and children for all their hard work to make this happen, particularly to Mrs Ellison and Mrs Gormley for organising this along with Mrs Kaur at the nursery - and thank you to all who attended and supported the school!

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