☰ Final Blog Academic 2011 -2012

Final Blog Academic 2011 -2012

Posted on: June 29th 2012

You live and learn… Never write a blog on a Thursday night about what is going on the following day! The blog you’re about to read precedes our washed out Sports Day! Thank you to all parents who attended and apologies for having to curtail the fun. We will let you know on Monday what our alternative arrangements are, but it is likely that we will just have a mini finishing off sports afternoon during one of our games sessions next week.

So here was the blog I wrote originally…!

Since half term it has been so hectic, I have barely had time to catch my breath! I thought I would make this blog short as I’ll be doing a speech on Awards Day, but wanted to just express my thanks to all the FoNH co-chairs and the class reps, parents and pupils that worked so hard and tirelessly to make our Summer Fair a roaring success! We were so lucky with the weather, as we were with the Parent/Pupil picnic and rounders, which was immense fun. As I write, here on Thursday evening, my fingers are crossed for a resounding result on a rain-free Sports Day, as well. I always look forward to the event at Queenswood, as it not only is a great opportunity for all our children to compete and do their best, but there is also the enjoyable picnic and presentations where we all come together as a school community.

Lots is, and has been, going on at school – our French residential trip the first week back was amazing; it was lovely for me to go along (and not be in charge for a change!). Mrs Agathangelou worked hard to offer some fabulous opportunities for our F5 and 6 pupils – our days were jam-packed and once again the weather was favourable, meaning we could spend time on the beach as well. Our pupils made me incredibly proud. They tried hard to use the French they knew, but also were engaging, polite and extremely mature about being away from home for 3 nights in a different country. I wouldn’t have missed out on sharing that experience for the world and hope that Miss Burke will let me go again in a couple of years – she already has her eye on going instead!

So, by the time you read this, Sports Day will be over and we will be heading into our final full week of term.  Our Reception and KS1 children are gearing up for their performances at Awards Day, whilst the children in KS2 will be performing their version of King Midas, called Gold, next week. We also have our second new Reception children ‘circle afternoon’, where they come and acclimatise to the school. There are lots of siblings who I think have been itching to get into the classroom for at least a year or more, who are very excited, as well as our new children who have been settling in well. Such hectic days!

Have a lovely weekend.

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