Posted on: March 23rd 2012
Spring has finally arrived and with it, has the end of an excellent term for us. Not only have we received a pleasant change of weather, but have also had good news on the Form 6 exams.
We have recently acquired new playground equipment which will be great to play with during the warm summer sunshine. These new toys include skipping ropes, catching cups and reaction balls. We have also introduced a new Litter Patrol to keep our playground clean and green!
The BRICKS Project is still going strong and we have already filled up our wall, for the second time this year. We have had two more Buddying meets, which the Form 5 and 6 children enjoy as much as the Receptions! Our Talent Show finalists are ready to perform at the Easter Concert, which is a real treat for us all. Well done Ishmael Levy, Poppy Black and Katie Jordan—we are looking forward to your performances!
Well done Nelson for winning the Interhouse Netball Tournament, although it was a tight competition! Wellington triumphed in the Interhouse Football Tournament earlier this term. It has taken a while, but Norfolk House has beaten Hereward House in a football match!
Chess results have, once again, been great, with Norfolk House being bronze medallists in the Barnet Chess League! We have hosted, and come sixth in, our annual chess tournament, and a team of four went to play in Lochinver’s chess tournament.
Cross Country brought good results, too. We hosted a competition and, we came fourth. Everyone did well, and our school claimed a bronze medal, won by Huey Mohan.
This has been an action packed term, and the Summer one will be even better, with PGL for Form 4, a trip to France for Forms 5 and 6, Photography Day and lots more!