☰ Happy Easter

Happy Easter

Posted on: April 1st 2022

What a term we have had at Norfolk House! It really does feel like we are getting back to normal and we are now able to provide all the exciting opportunities that make the children’s time at Norfolk House so special. 

This term the children have enjoyed a wide range of educational visits and had the opportunity to represent the school in fixtures and tournaments; with our U11 football team and members of our cross country squad qualifying for national finals. For a small school, just getting to the finals is an incredible achievement.

We recently held our first in-person Senior Prep and Junior Prep showcases in three years; both events highlighting our ethos of innovate, collaborate and succeed. Children and staff found creative ways to allow these events to continue despite staff absences and the collaboration between children and the staff as a team has been wonderful to watch. This resulted in successful events for the children to share their talents, develop courage and show genuine care and support for each other. It really was a true reflection of the Norfolk house spirit.

With this level of normality returning, we have had greater opportunity to focus on our school priorities - Innovation for Learning, The Environment and Healthy Body, Healthy Mind. If you have been following us on Instagram (if you haven’t, please take a look!), you will have seen some of our progress towards these with Tony Dallas leading mindfulness for learning, the Eco Warriors putting their plan into action to help us achieve our aim of receiving the Green Flag Award and children taking ownership of the learning as we prepare for our first ever Pupil Led Conferences next term.

Last week we welcomed Rob Stewart (Head of Oratory Prep) and other leaders from across Bellevue Education to Norfolk House to provide us with feedback on how the school priorities were impacting the children’s experience. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and it was clear that the children have benefitted from the focus on assessment; children across the school impressing the team with their ability to self assess and peer assess, identifying their own areas of strength and development. The focus on mindfulness has had a visible impact on the children’s preparedness for learning and older pupils explained how they have used mindfulness strategies independently to calm themselves down in stressful situations and refocus on the task at hand. The work of the Eco Warriors have been leading the way to raise awareness of the need to take care of our planet and all children could identify ways in which the school is doing its part from organised events like the recent litter pick, to reducing single use plastic and being mindful of wasting heat and electricity.

I am incredibly proud of all the children and staff for their efforts in achieving our aims and would like to thank them and our parents who have been amazing in their support to help us make such fantastic progress. On behalf of all the staff at Norfolk House, I would like to wish all our families a Happy Easter and a safe and enjoyable holiday. 

Paul Jowett

Head Teacher 

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