☰ Inspirational Learning - 16th November 2012

Inspirational Learning - 16th November 2012

Posted on: November 16th 2012

I always look forward to writing my blog, although it does tend to be on the very Friday afternoon that the newsletter goes out, when the school goes quiet for a short period, as the pupils go off for their sports afternoon!

I wanted to begin this week by sharing with you something that I read this morning in my F6 Poetry Analysis and Appreciation class, following our independent study of the poem:

In A Station at The Metro The faces of these apparitions in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough.

-Ezra PoundThe question was:

What image do you see from reading this poem? Write a description.The response it elicited from one of our pupils…

‘The tired citizens of Paris lined the network of underground tunnels like ants in an anthill but with one difference, ants actually acknowledge each other and they communicate, unlike the dreadfully industrialised species of the human race all striving for one goal – money.

Mice skitted around underneath 11,000 volts of electricity that hummed through the metal bars that supported the monstrous worm in which the humans rode.’

(Oliver L) I think it neatly underpins my theme today of the impact of inspirational and aspirational learning. And inspired I have been. After attending the Independent Schools Association study conference with Mrs Ellison on Friday and Saturday, where the theme was ‘Effective Learning’, we both got very excited about how we were going to tweak some of the practice in our school and were able to reflect on some of the excellent learning that is going on here at Norfolk House.

In addition, a few very late nights were spent this week, where our Senior Leadership Team did a work scrutiny in English and we looked carefully at every pupil’s writing, and other aspects of English, which again demonstrated some inspiring examples of children’s learning and their engagement with what they are doing. Form 5 indeed are reviewing, writing and presenting aspirational speeches in their Public Speaking unit, whilst Form 4 have been narrating and recording their own scenes from Coraline and Reception have been acting out the story of Diwali, to mention but a few.

On a broader note than English, our Key Stage 2 had an exciting assembly presented by Miss Burke on the US Elections, the day before Obama was re-elected and the children got the chance to ‘vote’ as Republicans or Democrats, following a discussion about the policies of each candidate on major issues (some interesting results amongst the children’s votes!), whilst everyone yesterday joined together as a community and we all enjoyed our pyjamas and being ‘bear faced’ for the day!

It is no wonder the time goes quickly here and we’re already looking ahead to Christmas and Nativity rehearsals, but as busy as this term is, I would like to say that our teachers still have a smile on their faces and are still pushing that exciting learning despite being in the midst of reports and on their knees! I know the inspirational and the aspirational couldn't go on without them, so I want to thank them and all our other staff for the work that they do here, and wish you all a relaxing weekend!

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