☰ Jubilee Blog

Jubilee Blog

Posted on: May 31st 2012

My blog seems to come around so quickly, which is indicative of how quickly the time seems to fly here at Norfolk House!

A very different couple of weeks from when I last wrote; a lot of administration and a gruelling online leadership course which kept me working long into the night! It has, however, been broken up by showing around prospective parents and people who have come to visit the school, which is one of my favourite things. I love the buzz that emits from every classroom and corner of the school when I’m showing people around. I enjoy seeing the visitors’ responses to our children’s enthusiasm to tell us what they are learning about and mostly I really appreciate how articulate, confident and warmly our pupils come across to others.

I’ve also been working this half term with a group of Form 5 pupils on developing their writing. It’s been very exciting to see their writing mature over a half term, as well as their confidence in their own  ability. We are at the publishing stage now, and are experimenting with an innovative way to present the children’s learning. Keep an eye out in future newsletters/ our Work for Website page to see if we manage it.

On a separate note, you may have read in the main body of the newsletter that we may be running a Latin after-school club from the Autumn term. A parent originally expressed interest and Mrs Fern is considering coming back one session after school a week to teach it (being a Latin scholar, herself) if we have enough interest. We have sourced a fun and modern scheme that teaches Latin basics and Mrs Fern will be going on a specific one day course in June. If your child is in F3-6 next academic year and you are interested in a Latin club, could you please drop in or email the office and let them know by 15th June. We will send another reminder. I am definitely keen for it to happen and would also like to attend myself!

Finally, I would like to wish you all an enjoyable bank holiday, Jubilee weekend and fingers crossed, the weather doesn’t change too dramatically; it has been lovely seeing everyone, finally, in sandals and summery clothes!

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