☰ Looking to the Future

Looking to the Future

Posted on: January 27th 2012

I just want to share with you a story about an experience I had this week. I was on a return journey from a chess match at Hereward House with three of our F6 pupils and we were having a chat about school and what was going on in the curriculum. They were telling me that they’d been researching and writing biographies with Mrs Ellison and were moving onto autobiographies. I smiled and asked them what exciting things an 11year old had to write about. In reply, Uma, our Head Girl said ‘Oh no, we’re not writing about our lives now, but in 20 or 30 years’ time, when we’re successful grownups.’

I was intrigued and asked them what they thought they would be doing in 20 years’ time and what they were going to write about. Amelia, another of the pupils in the car began to tell me…

‘I’m going to be a famous author,’ she began, ‘and I’m going to write a trilogy of trilogies…’ I was captivated already, but she went on, ‘but the first book is actually going to be the 9th and it’s called ‘Three Generations of Hatred’ [I hope she won’t mind me sharing that!] and it’s going to be about an event that’s happened and how it has affected a family, but the other books beforehand are going to explain how the event unfolded.’

Before I had time to catch my breath, Xavier, our Head Boy said, ‘I’m writing my autobiography for when I’m the Prime Minister.’

‘And I’m going to be a famous designer,’ continued Uma.

It was probably a simple, short conversation in these children’s eyes, but one by which I was mesmerised. When did our children become so grown up and confident and inspired?! And of course, it’s a process; one where one hopes that the culmination of all the experiences that are given to our children means that they grow into adults who aim for the highest ambitions and ideals and values.

It was more that it made me realise actually how inspiring our children are to us and the responsibility and gravity of the role that we all play in nurturing that inspiration and how privileged we are, as parents, as teachers to be involved in shaping these individuals and their lives. Much to think about!

 On a separate note, it is with a heavy heart that the staff and pupils at Norfolk House say goodbye to Ms. Milligan, who’s been a part of the furniture and integral to the school for the past 8 years or more. Without a doubt, there will be a Sile shaped hole in the fabric of the school, as her unique and inimitable style will be sadly missed by everyone, alike. I just want to say how amazing she has been to work with, particularly in helping me to ensure the transition to Headship and the business of running a school has been successful! Whilst it’s a sad day, I know that it’s also the beginning of a whole new adventure for Sile, and I can’t imagine a better pub landlady!!! We wish her all the very best for the future and welcome Mrs Kirsty Mardell, whom I’m sure a lot of you have met since she started in the office on 16th January.

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