☰ Mr Jowett's Blog

Mr Jowett's Blog

Posted on: November 22nd 2019

This week, the Form 6 children began their 11+ exams with the first groups going off to Belmont. All the teachers who have supported the children over their years at Norfolk House are incredibly proud of the positive approach and enthusiasm they have demonstrated towards what can be a challenging process. 

A lot of preparation and support has led up to this moment and the children have grown in confidence, ability and resilience over the last year. In the recent interview practices, their response to feedback and growth mindset was fantastic. Every year children at Norfolk House achieve excellent results gaining places at a wide range of outstanding senior schools and for a small school, we punch consistently above our weight. We wish the Form 6 children, who are sitting exams over the next two months, all the very best and look forward to celebrating their successes next term. 

As our Form 6 children enter the final stage of the 11+ process, the Form 5 children are just beginning. Yesterday evening we welcomed the Form 5 parents and Head Teachers from Senior Schools for our annual Senior School Evening. The Form 5 parents had the opportunity to find out more about Aldenham, Forest and Belmont, and how we prepare the children and support the parents in finding the right school. It was a very informative evening, but don’t worry if you couldn’t make it, the presentation is available on the parent portal.

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