☰ Mr Jowett's Blog: Visible Learning

Mr Jowett's Blog: Visible Learning

Posted on: May 18th 2018

There is a wealth of educational research into factors that have a positive effect on the rate of children’s progress and learning. Using the findings to significantly impact teaching and learning at Norfolk House is a key part of professional development both at a school level and a groupwide level (with Bellevue Education). This educational research has informed much of our current practice and is the driving force for further development.

Our aim for children to be successful and to recognise what success looks like, begins with children being involved in their own learning every day. From the Early Years to Form 6, children are encouraged to think about what they are learning and how they know they have made progress. Whatever the lesson or age, children can be seen accessing learning objectives and using success criteria to measure their progress and know whether they have met their aim. The way that children as young as Form 1 can clearly articulate their learning, self-assess their work and identify what they could do next, is astonishing.

The chance for children to display core values such as ambition and resilience by setting their own goals and striving to exceed them, has a profound effect on not only their progress, but their independence and how they view themselves as learners. When I speak to children about their learning, they can confidently identify the core values reflected in their attitude to learning and know how they can improve next time.

This combination of children identifying the next steps in their learning and in understanding how to be better learners, has a powerful and measurable impact on children’s achievement. There are other factors that have a great impact on learning and if you are interested to read more I would recommend looking up the factors identified in John Hattie’s meta-analysis, or read some of his articles around visible learning.

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