☰ Ms Habgood's Blog - 17 May 2013

Ms Habgood's Blog - 17 May 2013

Posted on: May 17th 2013

Let’s hope that summer hasn’t been and gone already! This weather’s not at all what I was expecting after such a promising end to April, and start to May; I heard there was even snow this week in Shropshire!

Not a week for our first school residential of the year, either, it seemed on Wednesday with wind and rain hampering some of the activities for our Form 4s at PGL; however, looking at the photographs provided, gratefully, by Mrs Ellison and the updates it didn’t seem to matter a jot! When I went to see the children, they were having a great time and the muddier, the better to be frank!

Our teachers and F5 and F6 I’m sure are looking forward to their Bushcraft residential next week, so fingers crossed the good old British weather holds out and improves!

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