☰ Ms Habgood's Blog - 28 June 2013

Ms Habgood's Blog - 28 June 2013

Posted on: June 28th 2013

I enjoyed going to Pizza Express yesterday with our Form 6 and some of their teachers, which is their ‘leavers treat’ to celebrate them and their successes before they embark on their new adventures and new schools. It is kindly paid for by FoNH, each year and is a chance for the children to know how much we appreciate all their efforts and hard work. They had a super time and there was much discussion and excitement about induction days and their new schools.

Having had to cancel Sports Day, which was thoroughly disappointing, when I taught Form 6 today I asked them to write how Norfolk House had prepared them for their next school and what the school has meant to them. The responses were so thoughtful and indicative of our pupils; it made me a bit emotional to be honest! I will share these in the last newsletter of the year, which should come out to you on Monday 8th July – they’re really worth reading!

At the opposite end of the age spectrum, we welcomed our new Reception class in yesterday afternoon for their first ‘Circle Afternoon’, they are already settling into their new environment and it was lovely when I popped in to see so many siblings staring back at me, wide eyed. I can’t wait for them to join us in September!

We also welcomed our Form 2 parents in last night for a Key Stage 2 transition evening, which is a new initiative this year. Myself, Miss Seacrest (soon to be Mrs Cannon after she gets married in the summer), Mrs Ellison and Mr Ashton all gave talks so that parents could be prepared and in turn prepare their children for coming into Form 3. Mrs Holt and Mrs Gormley also came along in support. It was a lovely evening, with much positive feedback from parents and it seems it was a great success, with Mr Ashton doing his inimitable ‘maths talk’ to round off the evening! We had an excellent turnout for the event and hope to be able to do this in future years.

Finally, the school has been busy and buzzing with the Key Stage 2 children up and down the stairs in costumes, and up and down to the church in costumes in their final rehearsals for ‘The Mane Event’ – I have deliberately not been to see any early run throughs yet, as I want to be able to see the full impact on the performance night. The excitement and enthusiasm from pupils and teachers is infectious and I can hardly wait for next Wednesday. We look forward to seeing all the Key Stage 2 parents there and sharing photos in the final newsletter.

I hope to see many of you at the FoNH drinks tomorrow night in Crouch End – hopefully the weekend weather will be better than today.

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