Posted on: May 2nd 2013
I trust you all had a good Easter break and would like to welcome you and all the children back to what promises to be a full and exciting final term of the year. It really doesn’t seem that long ago that our new Reception intake were coming into school for their first day and now we’re looking ahead to new classes for next year!
I won’t be writing much for this blog (even though so much has happened already this term!) as I have promised the Head Boy and Girl the opportunity for their termly video blog (please see our latest newsletter to view this).
I would firstly like to welcome our new members of staff: Miss Williamson into Form 5O, Mrs. Parry into PrePrepNG and Ms. Crawford into RB. As you probably all know, these are to replace our teachers on maternity leave: Mrs. Osborne, Mrs. Gouws, and the soon to be leaving (10th May) Ms. Burke! All have had excellent handovers with their children’s current class teachers and I think feel like they have been here for ages already! I am sure that you will help to make them feel as welcome to the school and will give them time to settle into the routines!
I continue to be impressed with our lovely Form 6, who are as focussed as ever on their learning, and working just as hard as they were up to their exams; I enjoyed watching them perform some little Latin playlets that they had written yesterday, and had only spent a very short 10 minutes, rehearsing with Mrs Fern, and this morning enjoyed our English lesson focussing on the plot, themes, characters and motives of Macbeth and the discussions that it provoked!
I have also been enjoying spending time with Reception and am loving their new garden area! It’s so much brighter and friendlier now, and with the new storage, it allows the children to be really independent in choosing their equipment and resources!
Finally, rehearsals are well under way for our KS2 Production and I have been very impressed with our children’s singing practices! We also enjoyed a lovely visit to the Lyceum Theatre on Wednesday to see The Lion King, as inspiration for some of our costumes and sets! The children came back buzzing with excitement and all the teachers are working super hard, particularly Miss Walsh to pull off what sounds like is going to be a bit of an extravaganza!
Have a lovely weekend and bank holiday and we will see you all on Tuesday of next week!