☰ Ms Habgood’s Blog: 7 July 2014

Ms Habgood’s Blog: 7 July 2014

Posted on: July 7th 2014

Is it really the final week of the academic year? It's terrifying how fast time seems to fly these days - it must be because I'm getting on a bit; they say that, I'm sure.

This is only a short blog from me, as our Head Girl and Head Boy have kindly done a video blog round up of the term, despite being busy with their end of year speeches and probably exhausted from their respective performances in our production of The Wizard of Oz, last week!

Speaking of the production, I have to say the hard work and commitment of staff and pupils, as well as help from parents with face painting and costumes, ensured that once again it was a spectacular performance, to be incredibly proud of! Every year, we worry that the previous one was so amazing, that we'll never pull off another one so good - and every year, no matter how high the bar is raised, the staff and pupils seem to manage it!

I just want to say a huge well done to all involved, and particularly to Mrs Bolton for producing and directing, and the four lead pupils who had copious amounts of lines to learn and pulled them off with impressive performances!

I look forward to seeing you all at Awards Day to celebrate the school year and our pupils' achievements, on Wednesday from 10am.

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