☰ Start of a new year!

Start of a new year!

Posted on: September 30th 2012

Welcome everyone to the first school newsletter of this academic year and indeed, my first blog. It feels a long time since we started term and as always, lots of fantastic work is going on, which the children have happily been sharing with me; our Reception children also seem to have been here forever, the way they seem to know the routines and way around the school. I’ve really enjoyed story time with them and spending some time in the classroom, so that we can get to know each other – and I’m pleased to say that I can remember almost everyone’s name, already! I have also had lunch with my BRICKS winners, taken children to the Paralympics, and been doing regular teaching slots with our F6 pupils, particularly enjoying our team-building sessions in General Studies.

As I’m writing my blog, Daisy, Maia, Sadie and Leona from Form 6 have just been in to let me know how well our netball team have done this afternoon at Belmont: 14-0 apparently, and despite the dreadful weather! What a great start to the sporting endeavours from the girls! Do also read the match report from Mr Holt about last Friday’s football result, too.

So, second year of Headship, has it been an easier start to the year?  I remember sitting at my desk over a year ago and thinking of the enormity of the responsibility ahead, and actually, that hasn’t changed. What has changed, is my experience of being a Head and the enjoyment I have gained and still very much look forward to in moving the school forward in a multitude of ways, and seeing our children grow and achieve as individuals through our careful systems and exciting curriculum.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

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