Posted on: March 9th 2012
What an exciting three weeks back for our children! We’ve had World Book Day, visits to the Globe theatre, Cabinet War Rooms, the Science Museum and a planned trip to the Gudwara in Southgate, as well as visits from a West End Theatre company and staff from the Roald Dahl museum to do a writer’s workshop! In addition, not to mention our cross-country championships, 38th Annual Chess Tournament, and Belmont Maths and DT challenges and our work with Treehouse! The importance of immersing our pupils in a range of experiential learning to complement our curriculum is paramount and thought through very carefully by the staff, and clearly, really pays dividends.
Which brings me onto our senior school offers for this year…
As you can imagine post-exam and waiting for results has been a tense time for our pupils and parents, and their wait is finally over. A huge congratulations has to go out to our Form 6 this year, as every single one of them got offered their school of choice, and amongst them were eleven scholarship awards. Amongst our offers for independent schools were: Aldenham, Belmont, Channing, City of London Boys, City of London Girls, Francis Holland, Highgate, Immanuel College and South Hampstead Girls, as well as places at Latymer and Henrietta Barnett in the selective state schools.
The pupils and staff have worked incredibly hard to make this happen; a well-structured programme beginning in Form 5 and moving through to a technique-focussed prep for the Autumn term of Form 6, ensures that our children are as prepared as they possibly can be, whilst still enjoying a broad and balanced curriculum. We are extremely pleased that whilst we take our exam preparation seriously, we are able to maintain a sense of normality in the curriculum and engage our pupils – which I feel is one of the predominant features of our success. In addition, supporting parents throughout the process and ensuring that we offer advice as to the schools which will best suit our individual pupils is essential. Not all children are exclusively academic, and schools with different ethos’ and emphases are what may suit them. Having the knowledge and understanding of these schools is integral to being able to offer the right advice. Regular visits to senior schools and building relationships with senior school Heads has also been of great advantage in this process.
And so, whilst our Form 6 pupils and parents can now breathe a sigh of relief, we embark on our preparation with our next cohort!