☰ Why Forms 5 and 6 have been out in the wilderness this week...

Why Forms 5 and 6 have been out in the wilderness this week...

Posted on: May 15th 2015

This week, Forms 5 and 6 have been on their travels to the great outdoors on their Bushcraft expedition! They have been cooking on a campfire, sleeping outdoors, making shelters, swimming in a lake and learning how to survive in the wilderness!

The opportunities that it affords the children as an enhancement to their regular education is incredible; it helps to develop collaborative skills, resilience, problem solving and independence amongst other things.

Whether day trips or overnight trips, all our children have these opportunities and teachers spend a great deal of time planning these carefully to compliment what we do in school. We’re looking forward to having our pupils (and teachers) back this evening, probably very tired and in need of a good rest, but with a whole new raft of skills and resilience to take on with them into the classroom and their wider learning, from next week!

Look out for the updates from this week’s Bushcraft at http://www.norfolkhouseschool.org/school-life/noticeboard/ or by following our tweets @NorfolkHouseSch (and for the children’s stories and photographs in the next newsletter!)

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