☰ A Great Start to Netball Season!

A Great Start to Netball Season!

Posted on: October 12th 2012

The netball season got off to a great start for Norfolk House at Belmont last Friday. The players have shared their reports from this exciting first game.

Laura’s Report

On Friday 28th September, it was the Under 10 netball team's first game of the season. The match was away at Belmont. Three people on the team were playing their first game - Anna (GK), Olivia (GS) and Charlotte (WD). With the help of the more experienced players, Laura (GA), Maddy (GD), Jasmine (C) and Maria (WA), it looked like they had been playing for a long time.

Despite the terrible weather conditions, the team played together really well. The Belmont team was made up of all Year 5s opposed to us who had Year 3-5 players but we went on to win 7-1. It was a great start to the season!

"We may be short but when we're on court, we're lean, mean netball machines!"

Sadie’s Report

On the 28th September I had my first netball match being the netball captain. It was a huge success as the under 11 team won 14-0 against Belmont.

Towards the end of the game, we changed our positions as we were told that Belmont was really struggling. My friend Leona got moved to goal shooter with less experience as she is normally a goal keeper. After several minutes she managed to score a goal! Over all it was a big team effort as everyone played their role excellently.

Team: Maia; Daisy; Abby; Poppy; Molly; Sadie; Leona

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