☰ A warm welcome to Infant Community and Nursery

A warm welcome to Infant Community and Nursery

Posted on: September 14th 2018

A warm welcome to Infant Community and Nursery

The Infant Community children have all been settling in well. They have been exploring their new classroom and the garden and making new friends, learning the Welcome Song, and getting to know the names of their friends and teachers. We have been making handprints and colouring face pictures. Some of the children have excitedly been exploring the coloured sand, spooning it into cups and pouring it, and have been making cakes and faces with play dough.

It has also been a great start to the new school year in our Nursery. The children have all settled well and are making new friends and learning new things.  We have been enjoying the last of the Summer sun during our outdoor learning sessions too!

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