☰ Alumni - Daisy Dawes

Alumni - Daisy Dawes

Posted on: November 9th 2017

My name is Daisy and I am former Head Girl of Norfolk House and newbie year seven at Fortismere.

Having spent seven years at a very small primary school, I was definitely not prepared for the size of Fortismere but Norfolk House prepared me for many things that if I wasn't taught I would be caught in a lot of detentions! Like getting to classes on time, I never thought Mr A making us walk round the playground nine times in practice of making it to lessons in time would actually be the difference between me leaving school or me being stuck there for another 20-40 mins.

Some of my favourite subjects are PRE (philosophy religion and ethics) as I enjoy learning about the big questions of life and also practically any answer is right. I also really enjoy drama and music as the curriculum is very wide at Fortismere. My very favourite subject has to be PE, the facilities are fantastic and I have managed to make it to the Year 7 netball team being player of the match in our previous game still holding my Goal Attack position.

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