☰ Anti-bullying Week and fundraising for Children in Need

Anti-bullying Week and fundraising for Children in Need

Posted on: November 24th 2017

Anti-bullying Week and fundraising for Children in Need

Last week was Anti-bullying Week at Norfolk House and Montessori House School. All classes spent some time over the course of the week focusing on this very important topic to ensure that the children have a clear understanding of how to tackle bullying if it happens to them, or if they see it happening to someone else. It was great to see how much the children understand about their responsibility as a bystander and with the younger children, to hear them talking about how they should behave in order to be a good friend.

The children in Pre Prep, Junior Prep and Senior Prep had assemblies focussing on what bullying is and our responsibilities in stopping it and all children had opportunities to discuss concerns with a trusted adult.

Children in Need 2017
Once again our Norfolk House and Montessori House families have shown their incredible generosity. On Friday 17th November, all pupils were involved in Children in Need activities, including assemblies, lessons and colouring activities.

In Junior Prep and Senior Prep, pupils carried out sponsored activities that were chosen themselves. There were a range of exciting activities including a sponsored silence, guess the baby, sponsored walk, sponsored run and an obstacle course. It was lovely to see the bake sales on both Princes Avenue and Muswell Avenue sites so well attended.

We would like to thank the parents for all their support and for the wonderful donations for the bake sales. As we still have money from the sponsored activities coming in, we will announce the total amount raised in next week’s bulletin.

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