☰ Bletchley Park

Bletchley Park

Posted on: May 19th 2016

On Thursday May 12th, Forms 2 and 3 ventured to Bletchley Park for a day filled with History and Computing. Through interactive games and activities the children were introduced to the lessons learned f r o m B l e t c h l e y P a r k ’ s Codebreakers and how they relate to being safe in today’s connected world. They explored the risks associated with having a presence in the online world and discussed techniques to help keep themselves safe online. 

During our guided tour of Bletchley Park, the children were shown the importance of coding during World War 2.  Here are some interesting facts that we discovered:
Women delivered messages on motorbikes at night from London to Bletchley Park. As no lights were allowed to be on at night time, it was a tricky job!
The bomb machine was used to decode the messages sent from an enigma machine. 
The enigma code book was used to show how the rotas on an enigma machine were to be set for each day of the month. 

What a wonderful way to connect our love of coding and esafety with the history of our country.

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