☰ British Science Week 14th - 18th March

British Science Week 14th - 18th March

Posted on: March 18th 2016

The theme of this year’s British Science Week was ‘Spaces’, including built space, open space, digital space, personal space and outer space.  In forms 4 and 6, we chose to focus on Personal Space and made our own toothpaste.
Using a recipe that included bicarbonate of soda, salt, cornflour, glycerine, flavouring, colouring and water, we made a wide range of toothpastes – some really runny, some thrillingly thick, some bold and bright and some pretty pastel.  Through trial and error, we created toothpastes that would satisfy our success criteria:
-          1) Appealing colour and texture
-          2) Stays on the toothbrush
-          3) Nice flavour (although we relied on our sense of smell, rather than taste, for this one)
-          4) Cleans well
Our toothpastes were very successful at cleaning, but we found it more difficult to make the flavour, colour and consistency effective. 
Overall, we really enjoyed our BSW activity and had a lot of fun learning about toothpaste production.

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