☰ Chicks hatch in Reception

Chicks hatch in Reception

Posted on: March 31st 2022

Chicks hatch in Reception

This term Reception received a special delivery of ten very special eggs as part of their Spring topic, Growing.  The children did an amazing job, carefully monitoring the temperature in the incubator and by the third day they began to hatch. All ten eggs hatched and to our delight we spent time observing them grow in the brooder. The children enjoyed handling the chicks and were very calm and caring in doing so. All children ambitiously recorded their observations of the chicks development using their writing skills. After 10 days, the chicks were getting too big for the brooder and it was time for the farmer to collect them. To say ‘Goodbye’ the children made ’Chick Hotels’ for the chicks to play in back at the farm.

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