☰ A Special Christmas Sport Update

A Special Christmas Sport Update

Posted on: December 6th 2019

A Special Christmas Sport Update

Wow! What a term - we can hardly believe it’s Christmas already! They say that time flies when you’re having fun, and what a fun term the children have had.

This term, Norfolk House has had over 40 football matches for the girls and over 25 rugby matches for the boys. Every girl and boy in Years 3 to 6 has represented the school in either football or rugby this term. 

Sport continues to be an opportunity for Norfolk House to support the social and emotional development of our pupils and embed the school ethos. Here are some great highlights from this term:

Some of our Year 3 pupils were desperate to play contact rugby this term, even though they would have had to play against Year 4s. Their ambition and desire to play up an age group was really refreshing and showed great confidence.

Norfolk House hosted two great football festivals this term for the girls. All the girls played and it was brilliant to see how they had developed over the term and it culminated in a brilliant performance at the football festival. It was great to see how principled, reflective and resilient they were. 

Norfolk House entered its first ISA rugby tournament this term and it was really great to see the enthusiasm and commitment the boys showed. As a small school, we have a smaller group of pupils to select from and this often means that pupils play up an age group. However, our pupils always give their all and their positive attitude is always refreshing and fills all the staff with enthusiasm. 

As the children move into the cross country (all), football (boys) and netball (girls) season, we fully expect that the children will build more great, fun memories and continue to enjoy their sport.

See some photos of sport this Autumn term in the photo gallery.

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