☰ Coming Up... Norfolk House’s Winter Festive Fayre

Coming Up... Norfolk House’s Winter Festive Fayre

Posted on: November 22nd 2013

Our Positive Playground Committee has organised their very first fundraising event… A winter Festive Fayre!

Join us at the Festive Fayre on Monday 9th December from 3:30pm - 4:45pm.

Exclusive craft items made by each of the classes will be on sale, and the money raised will go towards new playground equipment. Refreshments will be served by the Friends of Norfolk House and cakes and other sweet things will be available to buy. Santa will also be putting in a very special appearance in Santa’s Grotto.

…So come along!

Grace has designed a poster for the Festive Fayre poster, which you can download here.  An invitation from the school and more information from the school will follow, next week!

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