☰ Creative Curriculum

Creative Curriculum

Posted on: March 18th 2016

On Wednesday, the children from Year 3 and 4 invited their parents to St Andrew’s Hall to watch  some amazing performances at our Creative Curriculum event.

Ava Rifat and Oliver Osler were our hosts for the afternoon’s entertainment.  They began by introducing Year 3 who have been learning some yoga poses this term with their Yoga teacher Mrs Flora Duley. The children explained the poses and then demonstrated them; one of the most challenging positions was the wheel.
Beau from Year 3 said, “It was fun!”
Iris and Ben C. sang a beautiful song, Moon River with Mrs Regan accompanying them on the keyboard.  Later on, some of the Senior Choir sang My Favourite Things, again accompanied by Mrs Regan.
We enjoyed listening to a number of solo performances on the keyboard and the violin.  Emma Ringqvist’s Year 3 guitar group played 7 Nation Army by White Stripes; Holly had a solo part and Harris enjoyed singing!
Sam G. said, “I enjoyed playing my guitar with Holly and Harris.” Year 4 Guitar Group, Tommy, Zain and Max G. played a piece of music called The Sunshine of My Life, by Cream, with Max confidently keeping the beat throughout the performance.
The afternoon finished with an exciting Street Dance performance choreographed by Nichola Brown.  The music and dancing was lively and energetic and a great way to finish showcasing the children’s talent and work this term.

Rahul in Year 4 commented, “My favourite part was doing the freestyle moves during the street dance performance!”


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