☰ Excitement for the year ahead in Senior Prep

Excitement for the year ahead in Senior Prep

Posted on: September 14th 2018

Excitement for the year ahead in Senior Prep

The children in Form 4 have settled in excellently. They have worked closely together to complete STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) activities using higher order thinking skills such as evaluating and creating. We have hit the ground running in both Maths and English. In Maths, Form 4 are tackling challenging place value problems, working together to explain concepts to their classmates. In English, we are exploring the work of Carol Dweck and her theory of growth mindset so the children understand the simple science behind the idea. The Form 4 team are very pleased with how the term has started and we are sure we will have a very successful year ahead.

Form 5 children have settled back into the school routine wonderfully well, almost as if they haven't been away. They were excited to see their new classes and share with each other stories about the varied places they have travelled over the summer break. They had the chance to show off their teamwork and communication skills when we asked both classes to build the tallest tower they could using only balloons and masking tape. What an enjoyable and beneficial task!

We were so impressed with how the children researched the life of our author, Michael Morpurgo, and detailed in their presentations how his real-life experiences have affected the themes about which he writes.

Well done, Form 5 for getting back into the swing of things straight away!

Form 6 have also made an excellent start to the term and we’ve had a good deal of fun working on our STEAM challenges, playing basketball at playtimes and of course getting down to the very important business of learning. We have been reviewing all of the work we completed during the holidays and reflecting on our successes and areas we need to improve on in English, Maths and Reasoning in the coming weeks. Our first few Maths lessons have given us the opportunity to revise basic calculation methods and we are looking forward to the early morning Maths Surgeries next week. We’ve also been defining the Core Values with Mrs Gormley, and Miss Camlin reminded us of the importance of staying safe when online and leaving a positive digital footprint.

One of the biggest things we were all really excited to find out was what our new roles would be this year and we are all very happy with the positions we have been chosen for. Amelie said of her new role as Head of Music that, “I’m really pleased with my position and can’t wait to help out with music festivals and competitions.” Emily, one of our new Heads of Clive, confirmed, “I am really happy with my role and hopefully I will be lifting the House Shield at the end of the year!”

All of the children in Form 6 have been very helpful in setting a good example for the rest of the school and we have all returned as more mature and motivated pupils. As much as we are all focused on our upcoming exams, we really want to balance work and play and can’t wait for Bushcraft, Young Enterprise and the big production. It’s going to be a brilliant year.

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