☰ Nursery and Reception at Forest School

Nursery and Reception at Forest School

Posted on: June 8th 2018

Nursery and Reception at Forest School

This term in Forest School, we have been enjoying the warmer weather and watching the spring flowers start to grow in the woods.

Nursery and Reception have been busy creating weaving frames from sticks and wool and collecting some of their favourite things they have found in the woods such as bark, flowers and leaves. The children especially loved including some of the catkins they found which they thought looked like caterpillars

Pupils were also set challenges where they had to hunt in the woods for things matching a certain criteria, for example finding five things that are smooth or five things that are green.

The children also used natural materials as well as craft materials to create their own creatures. They then built dens and props and created their own storylines for the creatures.


The children also used clay to create their own minibeasts, such as butterflies and snails. They had great fun getting messy with the clay and were very proud of their creations.

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