Posted on: March 8th 2019
This term in RE, Form 1 have been exploring the religion of Sikhism.
The children have been learning about Sikh’s place of worship called Gurudwaras and how each Gurudwara has a kitchen that is open to anyone who wants a meal (called a Langar). To bring this concept of sharing one's food with others to life, Form 1 invited their families into school to share some food they had brought from home.
It was a wonderful occasion with so many families attending - we welcomed parents and siblings as well as grandparents and friends. Form 1 proudly shared their knowledge of Sikhism with our visitors and as one of our Core Values is to be caring, this was a practical way for pupils to demonstrate this.
To link to the core Sikh teachings of being kind and helping all people and animals, each week Form1 have been thinking of how they can help others, through writing an intention to carry out a ‘Random act of Kindness’. During our Langar, children and parents together wrote a ‘Random act of Kindness’ that they could do together in the upcoming week. One lucky grandma is to receive some special flowers at the weekend!
The curriculum surrounding Religious Education, centres on children knowing about and understanding a range of religions and worldviews, so that they can describe, explain and analyse beliefs and practices of themselves and others.
At Norfolk House, we believe that it is very important for children to recognise the diversity which exists within and between communities and how the beliefs of themselves and their families are similar and different to others. Our Core Value of being open-minded was well and truly demonstrated by Form 1. Thank you to all the Form 1 parents for your contributions of food and for giving up your time to attend.