☰ Form 1 have been discussing both Fixed and Growth Mindsets

Form 1 have been discussing both Fixed and Growth Mindsets

Posted on: November 20th 2020

Form 1 have been discussing both Fixed and Growth Mindsets

In Form 1, we have been discussing both 'FIxed' and 'Growth' Mindsets, and challenged the children to research the latter and its positive impact on learning. 

Building on learning in PSHE lessons and framed as the independent research question for homework, the children learnt how to develop a Growth Mindset by reframing situations through language such as, 'we will never give up', 'we learn from our mistakes', 'I can't do something YET', and 'practice makes progress'.

Check out the research projects created by the children in Form 1! We are so proud of their independent research skills and the creative ways in which they chose to present their learning!

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