Posted on: February 7th 2020
Form 2 have been working on being resilient and ‘Finding their Brave’ as part of Children’s Mental Health Week. They have been unpicking what resilience means and how they are resilient day to day. Here are some quotes from the discussions we have had over the week:
Amber - Resilience means to try and try until you have got it.
Ruby - Resilience means not giving up when your maths homework is hard.
Marina - Resilience means being determined to do something.
Shiv - Resilience means when you can’t do it but you keep pushing yourself until you get it.
Elliot - Resilience means believing in yourself.
Mark - Resilience means not giving up. I had to rub out part of my work as I had made a mistake but I kept going.
Leo - I was being resilient when I was doing maths and it was hard, but I didn’t give up.
Hannah - Resilient is when you tell yourself you can do something for example, sometimes when my English is hard I tell myself I can do it.
Over this term, Form 2 has been learning about how mistakes help us learn. The children and teachers share their ‘Marvellous Mistakes’ in assembly and explain how they used the mistake to become more resilient. Here are some Marvellous Mistakes that have been made this week:
Holly - I got upset because I didn’t know what to do but I followed the ‘what to do when I am stuck?’ board and I asked Marina to help me. Then I knew what to do.
Daniel - I had to redo my English homework at home because I wasn’t concentrating. Next time, I will check my work and not rush.
Isaac F - In English, I pressed too hard when doing my pictures, next time I will sketch first so I don’t need to try and rub anything out.
Willow - My mistake this week was I went to bed late three days in a row. I know I need to go to bed earlier to get everything I want done.
Charlie - I didn’t listen to others ideas but I know that I need to ask my friends to get better at my work.
Isaac R - I got a question wrong in maths and realised I shouldn’t rush to finish as I make mistakes.
William - I played a game at home and rushed at my moves. I realised I need to be more thoughtful about what I do when playing.
Eve - I got upset because when I couldn’t do my times tables, I now know it is just part of learning.
Lydia - I forgot to drink my water and I was very thirsty. I should put a note on my bottle to say ‘drink me’.
Zhane - Today I bickered with my sister and I have learnt that I am happier when I am friendly.
Sophia - I bumped into Shiv in the playground and I now know to look where I am going next time.
Zak - I forgot about change in maths because I wasn’t looking at the board. I will listen to the teacher and read the instructions again next time.
Leela - When I didn’t have anyone to play with but also didn’t ask anyone to play with me. Next time, I will ask someone to play my game or ask if I can play their game.
Juliet - I wasn’t focused on my timetables test and learnt that I need to stay focused on the task to do well.
Logan - This playtime I pushed someone because I was angry, I learnt that I should use my words and explain how I feel.
Miss Nash - My mistake is I didn’t photocopy a spare sheet for a lesson. I have learnt that I always need one extra just in case.
Mrs Charman - I was rushing from one thing to another and dropped my pile of work. I have learnt I need to slow down as extra mistakes happen.
Miss Harvey - I forgot I was on duty and was late for it. I need to make sure I check my schedule every week.