☰ Form 2 take a trip to London Zoo

Form 2 take a trip to London Zoo

Posted on: January 25th 2019

Form 2 take a trip to London Zoo

Form 2 had the exciting opportunity to visit London Zoo this week, to support their ‘Living Things’ topic in Science.

Read some comments from Form 2 about their experience:

“I really enjoyed my trip to the zoo. First, we went to the Gorilla’s Kingdom and saw a cute, baby gorilla and his big dad! We found out that they are mostly found in their habitat in South East Asia. Next we visited Tiger Territory and saw a huge daddy tiger. After that, we visited the reptile house and saw a big, scary snake and a crocodile! It was a great day!” - Alex M

“I had lots of fun at the zoo. I liked seeing all the different animals especially the tigers and gorillas. We also went and saw some birds that looked a bit like ducks. We also learnt that flamingos are born grey and because they eat so much pink food they turn pink! I really enjoyed seeing the penguins being fed at the end of the day, and loved going into the gift shop - there was so much to buy!” - Fox F

“I enjoyed looking at the penguins, they were so cute! I also enjoyed looking at the tall giraffes, they looked so beautiful. I learnt that animals can camouflage themselves to fit in with their habitat so that their prey can’t catch them. For example, a grasshopper can camouflage itself on a leaf.” - Raffaella G

“Our trip to the zoo was great. I really enjoyed looking at the big gorillas. We had to be quiet in the gorilla part with the monkeys because the animals don’t like loud places. At the zoo, we looked at lots of different animals and learnt about their habitats and diets. A nice lady called Ruth taught us all about different animals and what they like to do, we even touched a real life cockroach! - Lennox K

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