☰ Form 4 Learn About Victorian Christmas at the Royal Gunpowder Mills

Form 4 Learn About Victorian Christmas at the Royal Gunpowder Mills

Posted on: December 6th 2013

On Monday 2 December, Form 4 arrived at school dressed as Victorian children, ready for our trip to The Royal Gunpowder Mills to learn all about how the Victorians celebrated Christmas.

The children started in a session where they learnt about about Victorian Christmas decorations and discovered that Prince Albert introduced the Christmas tree to the UK when he married Queen Victoria. We were surprised to find out that the Victorians decorated their trees with strings of popcorn, candy canes, tinsel made from real silver and actual candles!

The children also enjoyed exploring a range of Victorian toys and thought carefully about the differences between the types of toys rich and poor children played with. We all had great fun joining in with some silly Parlour games and found It very surprising that the Victorians had a good sense of humour!

In other workshops, the children learnt about a traditional Victorian Christmas meal and the origins of the first Christmas card. During the day, the children took part in some creative activities, making handmade gift bags and screen printed Christmas cards.

We all has a great day out and are now feeling particularly festive!

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