Posted on: March 5th 2020
Form 4 has been discussing and analysing all the different forms of communication that we have in our world.
In groups, the children designed Communication posters sharing their ideas. It was clear that it was not just through talking that the children communicated, it was also through body language, a look, and by the use of sign language, braille and morse code.
Form 4 also thought about how they communicated with people from different countries and cultures. There was a language barrier that they had to overcome and they realised how important sign language is to communicate our questions and answers. The children had fun making up their own morse code and braille messages to share with their classmates.
Alongside communication, Form 4 also acknowledged the partner to communication - listening - without which the communication becomes meaningless. Whether it is electronic communication or face to face communication; although you do not need to answer the television, if you are not listening, you will not hear the story, instruction (when you are following a cooking lesson) or informative news.
In their next lessons, the children are going to work in groups to talk about issues that affect themselves and then listen to other group’s points of view. It makes for an interesting debating lesson!