Posted on: November 8th 2019
The buddy system at Norfolk House is extremely important, both for the older and younger children. The younger children have someone to look up to, learn from and be inspired by; whilst the older children have the responsibility of taking care of someone younger, enabling them to become more mature thinkers and doers, channeling their communication skills as well as remembering how to play and have fun with others younger than themselves.
Below is a short piece by Emma Parsons in Form 5 about her last buddy reading time.
Last half term, Form 5 visited our buddies in Form 1. We had a spectacular time! Once we were sorted, we read a book to our buddies and told them all about us. They loved hearing about all the different stories that we told and also enjoyed being read to. Our buddies also told us what they love to do such as: colour, play hide and seek, playing in the sandpit and spend time with us! After 30 minutes of reading and chatting it was time for playtime! At break, we socialised with our buddies and entertained them. We also played tag, pushed each other in toy cars, races, paint and also talk! After playtime had finished, it was time to say goodbye! We gave them a big hug and waved them off and then finally, we walked back to school.