☰ Form 5 visit Muswell Hill Broadway

Form 5 visit Muswell Hill Broadway

Posted on: November 9th 2017

On Tuesday, October 10th, Form 5O and 5F visited Muswell Hill Broadway, as part of their Geography investigations into whether the High Street should be closed to traffic. All were relieved that the weather was fine.


Armed with clipboards and amidst great anticipation, each class split into three groups to observe and collect data on pedestrian usage, vehicles and parking. Excitement was palpable when the children witnessed an instance of illegal parking, with one child recording the number plate details of the culprit! They also began to appreciate the difficulties of data collection, such as accurately recording different vehicle types as they drove past and categorising people into groups, such as business person, teenager or pensioner

The children will analyse their findings in the next lesson and use their evidence to create graphs and assess some of the problems facing users of the Broadway. They are already looking forward to their next visit, after half term, when they will interview members of the public as to their views on whether or not the Broadway should be pedestrianised.

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