☰ Form 5’s Morning Maths Surgeries Prepare Pupils for Common Entrance Exams

Form 5’s Morning Maths Surgeries Prepare Pupils for Common Entrance Exams

Posted on: May 9th 2014

The Form 5 Maths Surgeries have begun. This is when Form 5 children come along at 8.10 am three mornings a week to develop their understanding of key mathematical topics which are covered in the Year 6 Common Entrance Exams.

The surgeries are relaxed and informative. There are examples given of how to answer an exam question in each topic covered.

All of the children in Form 5 have attended the Maths Surgeries so far and their efforts are to be commended.

Here are the topics we are covering between now and the end of June:

Watch a video of a Form 5 pupil explaining what they have been learning recently and why she enjoys going to the Maths Surgeries:

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