Posted on: March 9th 2012
On the 21st February, Form 6, Mrs Fern and Mrs Habgood visited The Churchill War Rooms which were the rooms where Winston Churchill and all the other officers planned their battles and strategies.
In the morning we had a workshop where we identified WW II objects used in the Home Front. There were gas masks for children and babies, a lantern, a trunk, a bell, a gas rattle, a teddy bear bag and an object that didn’t let enemy planes see car lights.
After lunch we toured around the Cabinet War Rooms using our audio guides. There were bedrooms (for the officers, and Mr and Mrs Churchill), offices, map rooms, dining rooms, radio stations, kitchens, dormitories (for the lower down officers) and telephone rooms.
We tried out some of Churchill’s siren suits, top hats and cigars and used a type writer and stamps used in WW II. We also visited the Winston Churchill museum and looked around.
By Sophia Lyndon-Stanford and Meg Demeritt