☰ Form 6 reflect on their roles and responsibilities

Form 6 reflect on their roles and responsibilities

Posted on: December 7th 2018

Form 6 reflect on their roles and responsibilities

Despite having had a busy term preparing hard for their exams, Form 6 have taken some time to reflect on their roles and responsibilities.

Earlier in the term, Form 6 had the opportunity to consult with teaching staff regarding their roles and responsibilities and were asked to consider how their roles could be developed. The children considered their roles carefully, putting forward ideas for how they could be developed and become even more meaningful.
At Norfolk House School, we view the pupil voice as an important part of our school’s development process. Giving pupils opportunities to share their ideas and demonstrate their collaborative skills is key to their success.

The pupils’ ideas were carefully considered by a number of teachers and all of Form 6 have since received a role description outlining their key responsibilities. Some pupils have already had the opportunity to carry out assemblies, write newsletter stories and have met with the member of staff responsible for their role to discuss possible changes and improvements.

Form 6 are looking forward to further developing their roles once their exams are finished.

Read some comments from Form 6 below:

Max (Prefect): “I am enjoying being a prefect and I like helping people throughout the school.”

Holly (Head of Library): “I am looking forward to reading to the little children as I think it is important for children to have a love of reading at a young age.”

Alanna (Head of Sport): “We have created a football rota so that playing football is fair and manageable and this is going well.”

Leonard (Head of Science): “I am looking forward to leading science experiments and assemblies and writing about science events.”

Hugh (Head of Wellington): “I enjoy being Head of Wellington and I’m looking forward to taking on more responsibility for my house and helping my teammates to try their best.”

Harris (Head of Sport): “I like my role and enjoy talking to Mr Charman about new ideas. I am looking forward to helping out at events.”

Eva (Head of Nelson): “I enjoy representing my house and I am looking forward to working with Mrs Gormley and developing a sense of community within the house.”

Sam (Head of Computing/IT): “I am enjoying my role as Head of IT and I like helping my peers when they have a problem with computing.”

Oscar (Head of Nelson): “I am enjoying my role and I am looking forward to leading house assemblies.”

India (Head of Wellington): “I think the Head of House is a very important role and I’m happy to have this role. I think the new systems for the dining hall and lining up is going well.”

Michael (Head Boy): “I felt very proud and think the blogs are going well. I am looking forward to developing my speech skills.”

Emily (Head of Clive): “I feel happy and proud to have such an honourable role. I’m looking forward to making my house more of a family and making different house competitions.”

Barnaby (Head of Clive): “I’m really enjoying being Head of House because I get to make my own ideas for inter-house competitions.”

Zane (Prefect) “My role is going great, it has been a great experience. I am looking forward to greeting parents at events.”

Amelie (Head of Music): “I love being Head of Music because I get to help out in competitions and events. I get to call the register for choir and have enjoyed getting to know the music teacher.”

Leo (Prefect): “I am looking forward to developing our roles further.”

Imogen (Head Girl): “I am excited to be Head Girl because I can help other children and be a role model. I have already announced performances at the Harvest Festival and done a blog.”

Hiro (Head of Science): “I have already met with Mrs Cannon to discuss what we are going to do and I am excited about doing assemblies.”

Bobby (Head of Computing/IT): “I enjoy being Head if Computing as I’m able to get involved in lots of IT stuff. I have already done an assembly with Sam about computer safety.”

Aaron (Prefect): “I am very happy to have the role of Prefect and I am pleased that I can interact with the other children.”

Keya (Head of Library): “I am happy to be Head of Library and we are already involved in putting better books in the library. I’m looking forward to introducing other sections into the library and encouraging reading of varied books.”

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