☰ Form of the Week: Ancient Greece comes to Form 3!

Form of the Week: Ancient Greece comes to Form 3!

Posted on: November 22nd 2013

This term, Form 3 have been learning about Ancient Greece and have enjoyed exploring the topic across a number of their lessons.

In history, they have learned about the Greek states of Athens and Sparta, warfare in ancient Greece and family life as part of their studies about Ancient Greece. Pupils visited the British Museum to see their wonderful Ancient Egyptian artefacts.

Watch a photo story from Form 3’s trip to the British Museum, below:You can also see examples of Form 3’s art work from their history lessons here.

In art, the pupils have made Greek coil pots using clay, which they will paint using black and orange, as these are the colours which would have been used in ancient times.

In English, they have enjoyed reading a number of myths and legends, such as Jason and the Golden Fleece, Apollo and the Chimera, Odysseus and the Cyclops and Perseus and Medusa... to name but a few!

They know that myths/legends have the following features:

You can read some examples of their writing, They have re-told the myth of Apollo and Chimera. Read some examples below:

The pupils in Form 3 are currently planning, writing and editing their own legends and can’t wait to read them out to the class.

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