☰ Form of the Week: Form 4

Form of the Week: Form 4

Posted on: October 3rd 2013

Form 4 has had a very busy start to the new term.

In English lessons, we have been studying ‘fantasy stories.’ In particular, we have been focussing on settings.

The children have been looking at using ‘POAMS,’ in their work. This stands for:

They have been using a range of resources to enhance their work, including studying an image by Harris Burdick as a basis for the beginning of a story.

Our class book this term is ‘Coraline.’ The children are using this for Guided Reading and we are looking at movie clips and stills to help with our description.

Next, we will be exploring characters from the text and then the challenge… to write our own fantasy story!

In maths, Form 4 have been focussing on the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They have been learning to add numbers up to five digits in a column with carrying.

Form 4 has also been developing their decomposition skills with subtraction which involves exchanging digits on the top line to be able to do the subtraction. The children have particularly enjoyed column multiplication and short division. During the week, the children have been able to develop their problem solving skills using word problems. The big focus is on developing their knowledge of times tables and their link to the corresponding division facts.

Mrs. Bolton

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