☰ Form of the Week: Form 6

Form of the Week: Form 6

Posted on: May 31st 2012

Form 6 have had a very busy term.  Some of the pupils from Form 6 have shared accounts of just some of what they have been up to recently.  Read their accounts here.

Goodnight Mr Tom

By GemmaMrs Fern has been reading Goodnight Mr Tom to us throughout the year. We have all thoroughly enjoyed the book. At first it was just to help us with our history topic ‘World War II’ because it is about an evacuee. But we soon realised it was a touching book with a brilliant story. The whole class would recommend on reading it.


By JoeFor the past few weeks KS2 have been rehearsing our upcoming school production. It is the story of King Midas and how he wished that everything he touched turned to gold. We have been getting a feel of our characters to make the best play we can. We have all really enjoyed practising our play and can’t wait until the day arrives.

Good Deed Week

By MollyStudent Council have organised an event called Good Deed Week. This is where we do good deeds in order to raise money for our chosen charity of the year, Leap.

KS1 pupils are doing deeds that help around the home or at school. KS2 are doing deeds to help the community, like picking up litter on the street.

I plan to pick up litter in the park as it is always littered. Other children are planning to wash neighbours’ cars and walk their dogs. I’m sure it will raise a huge amount money for LEAP.


By DillonIn our ICT project we are choosing a feeling and representing that using our knowledge of the 8th wonder of the world, THE COMPUTER.  I am representing FUN, the best feeling. I am using a program called Pivot Stick figure animator. It is where you have a stick person and you move him and take pictures of him and it makes him like a real animation. You can also use letters and animals and ladders and even a cowboy.

Fast Food Mumbai Style

By SophiaIn R.E. Form 6 has been learning about India. We learnt about the dabbawallahs which are a bit like delivery men in Mumbai. Children in India go to school and then their mothers start making their lunches. Indians like their food fresh so at a certain time the dabbawallahs come to the house, collect the food which is put in small metal tins and then stacked on top of each other and are transported to the school. First they are collected, then put in trains, carried by hand carts or bicycles and then they arrive at the school. When the children finish their lunch the dabbawallahs return them to their homes. Dabbawallahs can’t read or write so they use colours and symbols instead. Only a few are lost every day.

We have also been talking about shanty towns (slums) and how different they are from the wealthy side of Mumbai as well as our own lives. Miss. Ficken also came in and talked to us about her experiences in India. She showed us pictures with a running commentary and then we asked her questions.

The Changing of the Guard

By XavierWhilst walking to the Palace of Westminster we stopped at Whitehall to see the Household Cavalry and the Changing of the Guard. We saw two guards on opposite sides mounted upon the finest horses I had ever seen. They had black fur, glossy like silk and stood proudly with their heads held high. The guards wore golden helmets and chest plates and brandished sabres. Another group of horsemen trotted into the arena in synchronisation. The highest ranking soldier called instructions to the rest of his group that they move in form.

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