☰ Form of the Week: Form 6

Form of the Week: Form 6

Posted on: January 26th 2012

The first few weeks of term have been absolutely packed for Form Six. We had an early start, coming back three days early for a Study Period to prepare for our exams. All of us have been coming in and out of school, attending exams and interviews, but now most of the exams are over which means that we have been given a break from homework until after half term!

The boys recently participated in the ISA football tournament, just missing out on the playoffs. We are looking forward to some school trips later in the term. In the spring we will be going to the Globe Theatre to do some workshops. Also we are going to the Churchill War Rooms in London as part of our history topic- Second World War.

We are still doing fun things in lessons; in maths, we have started designing a theme park, working out costs and profits. We have begun to plan autobiographies in our English, too.

Even events out of school are fun. We went to see War Horse at the cinema for a birthday celebration. It was very moving. So far, we have had a great term and are looking forward to the rest of it.

By Uma and Amelia

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