☰ Form of the Week: Reception Learn About Minibeasts

Form of the Week: Reception Learn About Minibeasts

Posted on: June 29th 2012

It has been an incredibly busy half-term for Reception. The children have been learning about Minibeasts and had a wonderful time at the Holland Park Ecology Centre earlier this week.

Reception children had the chance to explore the forest and search for a variety of invertebrates. They studied them closely under a magnifying glass, identifying what species they had found, then placed them back into their natural habitat.

The children learned about the differences between insects and crustaceans.  Joseph and Max were extremely good at answering the questions posed to the group by their guide, Matthew. He was impressed with the children’s knowledge.

They also collected a selection of living things, such as beautiful petals and leaves to investigate back at school. One of the children even found a toad, but this was not suitable for the journey back to North London!

The children have probably been telling you all about this visit, as it was a really informative day out.

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